Thursday, October 17th 2024
(Milan Time) 11:30 -12:30
(Beijing Time) 17:30-18:30
Tencent ID : 502-1550-7842
Daniel Krob is currently president, both of CESAMES, the leading French company in systems architecting & engineering, and of Systemic Intelligence, a startup focused on an innovative systemic digital twin technology, WorldLab. Daniel Krob was also institute professor in computer science at Ecole Polytechnique, France (2001-2019) and founder & head of the Ecole Polytechnique – Thales industrial chair “Engineering of complex systems” (2003-2015). Recently he was nominated distinguished visiting professor at Tsinghua University, China. Daniel Krob wrote more than 100 scientific papers on various subjects (algebraic and enumerative combinatorics, control theory, discrete mathematics, mobile communications, quantum groups, signal processing, system theory, theoretical computer science.) He is the author of several books and of five patents. Nowadays Daniel Krob specialized in systems architecting, engineering, modelling and simulation. He worked for major international companies (aeronautics, automotive, bank, energy, high tech, railway, services and space).
Title: Systemic Digital Twins for Mastering Complex Industrial Operations - From System Modeling to System Simulation
We introduce the fundamentals of“systemic digital twins”, a new concept for simulation & optimization at system level of complex industrial processes. Our approach is based on the WorldLab technology that allows to produce automatically the systemic digital twin of an industrial system from a MBSE model through a specification designed in the S formal modeling language. This formal language can be used to specify the structure and the behavior of any industrial system and to capture probabilistic behaviors and hazards. An industrial case study – on the transformation of a French harbour – will be discussed in details.