DigiTwin 2024 will be a hybrid conference allowing attendees to choose to attend the event online or onsite.
Attendees can choose to pay registration fee by CNY or EUR. Please choose the registration entrance according to the payment type to complete the registration.
Note: Please save the payment screenshot or payment receipt and upload it in the registration information page.
Registration deadline
Onsite: Aug. 30, 2024
Online: Oct. 14, 2024
Registration Fee

※ Travelling expenses are not included in the registration fee.
※ The member for onsite will be no more than 300 person because of the site limitation.
1.Pay by CNY
Attendees who’d like to pay CNY for registration fee please use the QR Code below to finish the registration.
In the payment note of Wechat Pay, please specify Name-Phone number. If the payment is for multiple persons, please use “,” to separate them.
(在支付备注中,请注明 参会人姓名-电话,如果为多人共同付费,请用逗号隔开多个付费人信息)

2.Pay by EUR
Attendees who’d like to pay EUR for registration fee please use the link below to finish the registration.
(1)DigiTwin2024 Registration Fee (Online)€100
Payment link: https://www.paypal.com/ncp/payment/K2UAXMEMV3H34
Or scan following QR code:

(2)DigiTwin2024 Registration Fee (Onsite)€650
Payment link: https://www.paypal.com/ncp/payment/SE3X3VUT3TQXG
Or scan following QR code: